Over the past few months, North London Estate Partnerships (NLEP) have been supporting clients in responding to business-critical issues brought about by COVID-19. This work has included working with local health and care systems to:
support our clients and provide business continuity, for example by adapting to changing cleaning, safety and FM procedures and managing a stretched and disrupted supply chain.
supporting rapid service changes through providing estates advice / planning, maximising the use of vacant or underutilised spaces and delivering building variations as required.
The work carried out included the creation of a COVID-19 GP ‘hot hub’, set up over the Easter bank holiday weekend in an MSK outpatients’ area that had been stood down early in the outbreak. The gbp Consultancy team assessed the area against the latest COVID-19 infection control and estates guidance. Once the area had been assessed and we were satisfied that it could be made compliant, we moved into the mobilisation phase. To ensure that we hit the deadline for occupation, we managed multiple activities, ranging from setting up short-term soft and hard FM service arrangements, sourcing the availability and delivery of medical gases, procuring certified temporary signage, to ensuring the licence for occupation was in place.
The situation is complex and evolving, and NLEP and its management services provider, gbpartnerships, will continue to do whatever it can to support local communities, health and care organisations, plus the health, safety and wellbeing of staff, clients and delivery partners, to reduce the potentially devastating impact to life, health and wellbeing.
Looking forward, projects that are being delivered by gbpartnerships on behalf of NLEP include:
Enfield CCG COVID-19 Estates Support. A continuation of the estates support role, focusing on the COVID-19 recovery phase.
Barnet CCG COVID-19 Estates Support. A continuation of the estates support role, focusing on the COVID-19 recovery phase.
Primary Care Capacity Feasibility study. A detailed feasibility study to establish if a primary care facility is required on an acute site.
Long-Term Conditions (LTC) Hub Feasibility study - A detailed feasibility study to establish the requirements and location for an LTC Hub.
NCL Phase 2 Locality Planning project, focussing on Primary Care Networks (PCN), with an Infrastructure Plan for each PCN being the output of the project.
Children’s Development Centre Feasibility Study. The Children’s services are currently delivered from multiple sites. There is a vision to amalgamate the majority of the children’s services and deliver them from one site.
Variation works to existing LIFT buildings:
Hornsey Central Health Centre: The GP practice within the building requires additional capacity and these works, carried out on behalf of Head Tenant CHP, will reconfigure the void minor surgery suite on the first floor to create an additional 4 consulting rooms, admin and sub-wait areas – making the best use of available space.
Vale Drive Primary Care Centre: CHP are engaging with a local GP practice (VDHC) with 10,000 patients, to move into the Ground Floor of the PCC, reconfiguring the location of existing services in the building and making use of existing void space.

If you are interested in finding out more about any of this work, please contact Ian Sabini using the contact form on the home page.