Infrastructure planning is fundamental to the move towards building strong and effective integrated care systems (ICSs) and acts as a key enabler to delivering high-quality patient care. From well-designed facilities to the installation of the right equipment and technology, effective infrastructure planning can support the system in adopting new ways of working and enable effective change to how services are delivered.
Working through North London Estate Partnerships and Camden & Islington Estates Partnership Strategic Partnering Agreement with North Central London (NCL) ICS, the gbpartnerships consult team worked in collaboration with the central ICS Estates team to create localised infrastructure plans. The plans set out the priorities and projects that NCL will pursue to develop an effective and efficient infrastructure response to the needs of its residents.
Prior to our Infrastructure Planning Programme in NCL, infrastructure data was held locally by directorate leads, lacking depth and detail and without strategic oversight. The team have embedded a systematic approach to estates planning, gathered and analysed estates data and engaged widely to inform the project pipeline.
Our work within NCL has:
Created bespoke plans to reflective individual Borough and PCN needs and requirements.
Been a catalyst for developing clinical strategies.
Informed and reaffirm the priority investment pipeline.
Provided PCN’s/Localities with data to support their development ambitions.
If you'd like to talk to one of the team to find our more, please email the team at: