Hornsey Central Neighbourhood Health Centre opened in 2009 and is a key part of a commitment to moving healthcare closer to people’s homes, improving the health of local people and access to services.
The Health Centre, located in North London, is occupied by a range of services including Queenswood GP Practice. Over the past few years, the GP Practice has seen significant growth in demand, with its patient list increasing in size from 14,000 to 22,000. As such, the GP Practice urgently required extra space to accommodate the increase in demand on its services.
In discussion with head tenant, CHP, and the CCG, NLEP have overseen a project that has enabled the GP Practice to expand and make best use of previously under-used space within the Health Care Centre.
The project has reconfigured unoccupied room space, originally designed for minor surgery use, creating newly refurbished space for four additional examination rooms, administration space and sub-wait areas. Over the course of a building’s lifetime, change is inevitable, and the adaptations carried out at Hornsey demonstrate how adaptable this LIFT building is, supporting changes in population growth within the Hornsey locality.

New examination room space